Prep time: 20 minutes,

cook time: 14 minutes,

Serves 3



4 spring onions, chopped

2 tsps. sesame seeds, toasted

450 g chicken tenders

Wooden skewers, pre-soaked

What you’ll need from the store cupboard:

1 tbsp. fresh ginger, finely grated

4 garlic cloves, minced

120 ml pineapple juice

120 ml soy sauce

60 ml sesame oil

A pinch of black pepper



Preheat the Air fryer to 200 ºC and grease an Air fryer pan.

Mix spring onion, ginger, garlic, pineapple juice, soy sauce, oil, sesame seeds, and black pepper in a large baking dish.

Thread chicken tenders onto pre-soaked wooden skewers.

Coat the skewers generously with marinade and refrigerate for about 2 hours.

Transfer half of the skewers in the Air fryer pan and roast for about 7 minutes.

Repeat with the remaining mixture and dish out to serve warm.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving: Calories: 392, Fat: 23g, Carbohydrates: 9.9g, Sugar: 4.1g, Protein: 35.8g, Sodium: 1800mg