Prep time: 15 minutes,

cook time: 20 minutes,

Serves 2



1 tbsp. fresh thyme, chopped

235 ml beer

1 (300 g) duck breast

6 cherry tomatoes

What you’ll need from the store cupboard:

15 ml olive oil

1 tsp. mustard

Salt and ground black pepper, as required

15 ml balsamic vinegar



Preheat the Air fryer to 200 ºC and grease an Air fryer basket. Mix the olive oil, mustard, thyme, beer, salt, and black pepper in a bowl.

Coat the duck breasts generously with marinade and refrigerate, covered for about 4 hours.

Cover the duck breasts and arrange into the Air fryer basket.

Roast for about 15 minutes and remove the foil from breast.

Set the Air fryer to 180 ºC and place the duck breast and tomatoes into the Air Fryer basket.

Roast for about 5 minutes and dish out the duck breasts and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with vinegar and serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving: Calories: 332, Fat: 13.7g, Carbohydrates: 9.2g, Sugar: 2.5g, Protein: 34.6g, Sodium: 88mg